Ride Like Lightning

by Brian Wallace
Ride Like Lightning
Brian Wallace
Digital Art - 2d Digital Image
2D digital graphics fantasy image of witches and bats taking flight and silhouetted by the moon and strikes of lightning on a cloudy All Hallows Eve!
September 30th, 2013
Comments (37)

Michael Hoard
Greetings Brian, additional comment note, your winning entry has been posted on the Music CD Cover Designs Group!!! Cheers, Group Administrator, Michael Hoard
Brian Wallace replied:
Thanks Michael, for the comment, congrats, and special feature in the group, https://fineartamerica.com/groups/music-cd-cover-designs.html

Michael Hoard
Greetings and Congratulations Brian!!! I am pleased to announce your recent entry digital art composition titled "Ride Like Lightning" in the Music CD Cover Designs group sponsored contest "Wicked Witches" has won 2nd place. Bravo, Bravo, Bravo. L, Fav, Cheers, Group Administrator Michael Hoard

Lisa Kaiser
Congratulations on your winning status, very awesome Halloween artwork!
Brian Wallace replied:
Thanks Lisa, for the nice comment and congrats on my contest placement. I see you also placed, so congratulations are in order for you as well!

Guido Strambio
Fantastic image, so beautiful and creative, wonderful silhouette and light effects! l/f
Brian Wallace replied:
Thank you Guido, for the nice comment, like and fave on my work! I appreciate your time to view and comment. :)

Joan-Violet Stretch
Excellent nasty witches flying past in diffent directions, there's no getting away from them
Brian Wallace replied:
Thanks for commenting Joan-Violet! Yes, those nasty witches can be a nuisance this time of year! ;)

Jolanta Anna Karolska
Oh, this is fabulous Brian! Love it! voted! good luck! f/v
Brian Wallace replied:
I'm glad you like it Jo. Thanks for the nice comment, contest vote, fave, and vote. :)