The Call - The Caw - Gently cross your eyes and focus on the middle image

by Brian Wallace
The Call - The Caw - Gently cross your eyes and focus on the middle image
Brian Wallace
Photograph - 3d Stereo Crossview
3D stereo crossview of a sunset, sunbeams, and birds being drawn toward it. This is a 2D to 3D stereo conversion. The sky is an actual capture of a sunset that I made and the birds, and sunbeams were digitally added for dynamic interest. There is also a 3D stereo anaglyph version as well as a 2D version.
To View: Have the entire side-by-side image completely in view. Then gently converge (cross) your eyes and focus on the middle image that appears while ignoring the outside. Not everyone is successful with this method of "freeviewing" a stereo pair but if your are, it becomes easier each time it's practiced. Eventually it's second nature.
August 14th, 2013
Comments (13)

Dimitra Papageorgiou
Beautiful work Brian. Congrats on your sale ! L
Brian Wallace replied:
Thanks Dimitra, for the nice comment, congrats, and Like on my work/sale. I appreciate it very much!

Kathy Castrataro
Beautiful work..love where it takes the imagination…how did you take this pic…what time of day was this…and where did you take it…thank you for sharing...
Brian Wallace replied:
Thank you Kathy, for taking an interest in my work. The REAL magic of this image is that you can see it in 3 dimension if you know how to "crossview". As far as your questions about my photography. Since I'm an artist, I don't just "record" a picture. I add my own artistic touch to an image I capture. Creativity is what it's about for me. I use imagination and what skill I've developed so far. Many of my images start off as captures but are processed to make them more dynamic than the original. This may include the usual color, contrast, composing, cropping, vibrancy, adjustments etc., as well as composting additional elements. These things are mentioned in my keywords, and descriptions.

Brian Wallace
Thanks Mother Nature, for featuring my image in the group "Beautiful Scenery - a picturesque view or landscape".